We Are CG&T
Support the We Are CG&T capital campaign.
The Board of Directors of Cascade Golf & Tennis has an important message to share with all members of the club and we hope you will take a few minutes to review the details.
Our wonderful club holds a special place for so many of us. For nearly a century it has been a welcoming gathering place and the heart of the Metis community.
We have identified a number of projects that need to be undertaken in the next two years, and we need everyone’s financial support to make the projects a success.
“We Are CG&T” is a special capital campaign focused on supporting these projects. We hope you will support the campaign and help our club continue to be the vibrant centre of our community.
The following pages outline the scope of the projects.
With thanks,
The Board of Directors
Cascade Golf & Tennis
The project is divided into three distinct efforts:
- The clubhouse
- The maintenance facility
- The tennis courts
It is projected these three projects will cost $330,000 and will require three years to complete.
Project 1 - The Clubhouse
When Members visit the club this summer, they will notice the first results of the We Are CG&T plan.
The Board has made the decision to do a space-swap; the pro shop will move to the main clubhouse and the kids activities will move to the old pro shop. The new kids’ clubhouse will allow for children’s programming in its own dedicated facility, away from the main building. The new pro shop and the existing canteen will be combined and managed by one staff member. This provides savings in staffing and hopefully the location beside the first tee will encourage sales of our Cascade merchandise.
The attached floor plan shows how the existing mens’ locker room will be relocated, with the reclaimed space allocated for the new pro shop, connected to the canteen.
Projected cost for this project: $40,000
Projected timing: Summer 2023

Project 2 - Maintenance Facility
As we improved the golf course in past years, we also purchased better equipment, an investment we need to carefully preserve.
Unfortunately, the maintenance facility has not kept pace with new demands and the need to protect the modern equipment. Presently, we have only one single-bay garage, and for many decades we have been using old transportation containers and a tent to store valuable equipment and supplies. These are insufficient. The safety and comfort of our staff is also an important consideration.
The Board is proposing a new 30 X 50 maintenance building that will include more storage area, more garage bays and space for our staff.
Projected cost for this project: $190,000
Projected timing: Begins Fall 2023
Project 3 - Har-Tru Tennis Courts
Har-Tru courts (courts 1 and 2) are a drain on club finances. They require annual and daily maintenance, including: adding Har-Tru material, extensive rolling, regular brushing and watering.
Additionally, every five years or so, the Har-Tru courts require a complete overhaul by professionals at a significant cost, including pulling up and replacing the lines, “scarifying” the entire surface and adding Har-Tru material. We are due for the next 5-year maintenance this year.
The costs and staff time for these two courts are disproportionate to the actual usage. The board has evaluated the Har-Tru courts in terms of ongoing costs, the difficulty of sourcing local materials and skilled maintenance labour, and it has decided that the Har-Tru courts will be resurfaced with a lower cost and lower maintenance surface. We will be considering the best options for these two courts, which may include the same tennis surface as on courts 3-7, or possibly adding the increasingly popular game of Pickle Ball. The goal will be to create the best use of the space, based on member preferences.
The Board will reach out to membership in a survey this summer to share options and receive member input on the preferred future for these two courts.
Projected cost for this project: Est. $100,000 (Depending on surface chosen.)
Projected timing: 2024-25
Financial Summary:
The goal for the 2023 Building For The Future Capital Campaign includes:
Phase I - Clubhouse Renovations | $40,000 |
Phase II - Maintenance Shed Improvements | $190,000 |
Phase III - Tennis Courts | $100,000 |
Total Capital Requirements | $330,000 |
It is expected that $50,000 can be sourced from our existing capital fund. The goal for this campaign is $280,000.
All funds raised at the Capital Parties will go to the We Are CG&T campaign.
Questions may be addressed to Club President, Hilary Santoni or Vice-President, Pat Osler.